Coffee Bean Secrets

by MELODY UNGER 08/11/2019

Coffee or tea has been the question for centuries. Within the last 50 years, especially in the Western states with the rise of some many coffee cafes both single store and national chains the debate about the type of coffee can almost become a theological debate amongst people. It is no longer just the morning routine of setting up the coffee pot and pouring in some ground coffee from a metal can and adding hot water. The coffee experience at home and in a café is now elevated to an art form for many. 

Bring on the Fire

You must first figure out what it means by dark roast, blonde roast and so many other terms of roasting. Coffee beans are categorized by their roasting levels.

- Light

- Medium

- Medium-Dark

- Dark

Each roast level brings out acidity determines the bitterness level and overall taste. The darker the roast, the lower acidity will be present. Once you find the level, you enjoy you can now discover what subtle flavors different beans offer. A quality bean to start with is essential. You can find beans from just about anywhere around the world. Giving you an almost unlimited variety of tastes.

Bring out the Flavors

A light roast will taste fruity and sometimes floral. Some names for this type of roast are half or light city and cinnamon. A medium roast, of course, is a deeper roast producing a taste that showcases the natural flavor range of that particular bean. This roast can give off a caramel taste and is not as bright tasting as the light roast. This is a good roast for the novice coffee drinker. Because of lower acidity, the taste is often smooth with little after taste. This roast can be referred to as American roast, city or regular roast. Medium-Dark roast produces a modest bittersweet aftertaste. This roast is for someone who prefers a slight bittersweet and deeper flavors. This roast can be referred to as Full city. A dark roast is the least acidic. The bean is oily and produces a noticeable bitterness. If you prefer a robust deep flavor, the dark roast is for you. Dark roast is often referred to as High, New Orleans, Italian, French. If you get an espresso drink, it is very likely that a dark roast bean is being used.

So, the next time that you discover yourself in your local grocery store coffee aisle, pick up a different flavor of coffee bean, brew and sip away.

About the Author


Melody brings over 39 years of experience in the real estate profession to each of her transactions and an additional six years background in the banking and mortgage industry. As a fifth generation metro Atlanta native, she offers a vast knowledge of the area and neighborhoods, inspectors and lenders. Her expertise and wealth of experience offers her clients insights well beyond any generic information that can be found on the internet. In addition to her own knowledge and expertise, havig her team of professionals insures a smooth pleasant experience, whether you are buying or selling.