The Benefits of Incorporating Minimalism into Your Home

by MELODY UNGER 10/29/2017

Minimalism is everywhere lately, and it’s no wonder why. With each of us cramming our days full of more and more tasks, buying larger houses, and being bombarded with advertisements for all of the things we need to fill those homes up with, it becomes apparent why many are turning to a simpler way of living. Or, at the very least, trying to cut down on the amount of stuff we own and have to keep track of.

Since our homes are where we keep all that stuff and where we spend the majority of our time, you can see how it becomes easy for homes to get cluttered and messy.

In this article, we’re going to talk about some of the reasons you might want to incorporate minimalist ideas into your home and give you some tips on how to go about simplifying your life at home.

Less clutter, less cleaning, more time

The obvious benefit of minimalism is that the fewer things you own, the fewer things you have to spend time taking care of. This goes for cleaning, maintaining, and storing. It might be tempting to buy the latest single-cup coffee maker, but do you really need another thing to take care of and find counter space for?

When it comes to cleaning, a minimal house is much easier to take care of. Fewer things to dust and wash means you can spend more time doing things you enjoy.

To illustrate how much easier it is to clean a minimal room than a cluttered one, just image how long it takes to mop the floors of an empty room compared to having to move or clean around furniture.

The same reasoning applies to mowing a lawn--it’s easier to mow in a straight line that it is to have to carefully avoid objects strewn across your yard.

Easier to live in  

By nature, we are an animal that loves to be organized. We get frustrated when things aren’t where we left them or when we forget where we put something we need. A minimal home takes away some of that frustration by allowing fewer opportunities to lose our keys or whatever else gets lost in the piles of clutter.

More welcoming to guests and more relaxing for us

Each of us has our own preferences when it comes to decorating. However, one thing that can be said about humans is that we tend to feel more relaxed when we’re not crowded by things or other people.

Similarly, it’s easier for us to focus in environments that have fewer distractions. A minimal home office would ideally contain mostly just the necessities for whatever work you need to accomplish.

How to get started

Now that you know the benefits, here are some ways you can get started making your home more minimal.

To avoid taking on too large of a task at once, approach your home one room at a time. Take note of what is in that room and think back to the last time you used it. Does it serve a purpose? If the object is just for decoration, is it a decoration that you feel adds to the room or does it clutter it up too much?

By asking yourself these questions, you can begin to make your home a more relaxing, more welcoming environment for you and your guests.

About the Author


Melody brings over 39 years of experience in the real estate profession to each of her transactions and an additional six years background in the banking and mortgage industry. As a fifth generation metro Atlanta native, she offers a vast knowledge of the area and neighborhoods, inspectors and lenders. Her expertise and wealth of experience offers her clients insights well beyond any generic information that can be found on the internet. In addition to her own knowledge and expertise, havig her team of professionals insures a smooth pleasant experience, whether you are buying or selling.